Member Application

ACTIVE: Active members shall be those individuals having responsibility in medical staff/healthcare provider credentialing and/or verification and regulatory compliance activities. Active members shall pay dues and shall be eligible to vote and hold office. Active members are encouraged to join the National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS). ASSOCIATE: Associate members shall be those individuals interested in the overall goals and objectives of Association. Associate members shall pay dues, but shall not be eligible to vote or hold office.

DUES: ACTIVE - $50.00 ASSOCIATE - $40.00

DUES: Annual dues for membership classification shall be due and payable January 1 for the ensuing fiscal year. When membership application with payment of dues is made during the last ninety (90) days of the fiscal year, dues will be considered paid for the ensuing year. Failure to pay dues by April 30 shall result in termination of membership.

Personal Information

Office or Work Address

Home Address

Education and Professional Data (Please provide a brief synopsis of your job)

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